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Cypher Competition

1st: $100 | 2nd: $50

Battle Rap Tournament

1st: $500 | 2nd: $100 | 3rd: $50

Every year, starting on January 1st, we at Rough Recording Studios with the help of other sponsors, labels, and/or organizations host a series of events and competitions for any and all musicians. With this, we would like to thank sponsorship from Underground On Top, Outta This World Entertainment, and Destruction Productions for a wonderous 2014. We would also like to thank our graphic artist, NA Productions.


For all competition details, please look below and click the several links/page we have layed out for you.

We sincerely appreciate your interest.

This is the founding, and most watched competition of the entire festival. You will be required to battle your way through 31 other opponents, with the best battle flips and lyrics you can think of. The possibilities of exposure from this competition are endless, and there are some sweet cash prizes as well.


For more information, click here.

This is the first brand-new competition brought to the festivities. Including the nice cash prizes, this one will also be highly publicized and the exposure will be plentiful. There are only 2 rounds to this one, and the rapper with the best verses will win and take the crown.


For more information, click here.

This should be a fun one, the simple details of it are, make the best absolute song you can. You must, however, make the beat, the rap, whatever. It doesn't have to be any specific genre whatsoever, it doesn't even have to include vocals (although those will definitely help). You will be judged on talent and creativity here.


For more information, click here.

Creative Works Competition

1st: $100

If you have any further questions, or want to enter an application or an ideal/suggestion, just fill out the contact form here:

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